

加州海岸关怀基金会的使命是帮助当地学生实现他们获得大学教育的目标. 该基金会, 它是由卡尔·考斯特建立的,以纪念创办信用合作社的教师们的遗产, provides scholarships for high school seniors, 培养学生, and college 学生 and grants to educators 在圣地亚哥和河滨县. 自2015年成立以来,该基金会已颁发了超过100万美元的奖学金和助学金! This year, we are proud to be awarding an additional $260,000.



我们很高兴地宣布由万事达卡主办的第七届加州海岸关怀基金会慈善高尔夫球锦标赛®. 这次活动的收益将通过直接影响学生奖学金和教育补助金计划来帮助推动加州海岸关怀基金会的使命.

当: Monday, August 12, 2024 (11am shotgun start)

地点: 费尔班克斯牧场乡村俱乐部 

Student Scholarship Application Period Now Closed

The 加州海岸关怀基金会 scholarship application period is now closed, for college-bound high school 学生 and current or former foster youth.

In 2024, the 加州海岸关怀基金会 is pleased to provide $186,000 in scholarships to deserving college 学生, 即将毕业的高中毕业生, 以及在圣地亚哥或河滨县寄养项目中或曾经在寄养项目中学习的学生,以获得认可的学位. 该基金会 also supports local educators through grants for classroom projects.

加州海岸信用社 was founded in 1929 by local educators, 非营利性的加州海岸关怀基金会成立于2015年,通过支持当地教育社区来延续他们的遗产, 包括教师, 学生, 和工作人员.


Congratulations to the 2024 student scholarship recipients!

加州海岸关怀基金会很高兴地宣布,它已经获得了超过171美元的奖金,000 in scholarships to support college-bound high school seniors, 培养学生 and current college 学生 in San Diego or Riverside counties! 以下是2024名学生奖学金获得者的名单(注意,为了保护隐私,寄养青年的名字被省略了).


Educator Grants Program Launches in August

加州海岸关怀基金会教育补助金的目的是提供K-12公立学校的教师, 私立或特许学校, 圣地亚哥或河滨县的社区和州立学院/大学为任何STREAM领域的班级项目提供资金支持, 技术, 阅读, 工程, 艺术, 和数学).


Grants ranging from $500 - $2500 are awarded for projects that have clear objectives, 一个强大的评估组成部分,并表明大量的学生参与,以提高学习成果的目标. The following are applicant and project eligibility requirements:

1. Grant applicant must be teaching in K-12 public, 私立或特许学校, community or state colleges/universities in San Diego or Riverside counties.

2. Grant applicants can request $500 - $2,500 to support their STREAM related project.

3. 同一学校最多可有两(2)名教师在同一申请期内获得资助.

4. 项目必须:

  • 与STREAM相关(科学、技术、阅读、工程、艺术或数学)的课堂项目 
  • 展示一个清晰和令人信服的需求
  • State well-defined, measurable, and realistic objectives and goals
  • 有项目的详细预算吗
  • 首席教师必须提供教学经验和项目主题知识的证据

5. Cal Coast Credit Union employees and their family members, and Cal Coast volunteer officials are not eligible for grant funding.

6. 资金可用于购买设备或项目材料,但不得用于下列用途: 

  • Routine school supplies such as: pens, pencils, glue, markers or paper
  • 实地考察费用
  • 食物或奖品费用
  • 运输成本
  • Teacher salaries, compensation and/or incentives
  • Teacher training/development program expenses

获奖者必须在收到资助后一年内向加州海岸关怀基金会提交一份项目成果报告. The evaluation form is also required to apply and be eligible for future funding.


The selection committee is made up of 加州海岸关怀基金会 Board members.


  • Meeting eligibility requirements as outlined
  • 应用程序的清晰度和质量
  • 教育工作者资格证书和经验
  • The need (financial, teacher, and student needs)
  • Project impact and relevance in STREAM areas
  • Agree to submit a report within a year of the grant award
  • Agree to allow Cal Coast to use grant project outcomes, 故事, 教育家名字, and picture in various Cal Coast community education and promotional communications
Education Grant Application Period Now Closed.
Applicants will be notified by the end of November of their grant application status.


Since its founding in 2015, the non-profit 加州海岸关怀基金会1 has had an outsize impact on the lives of 学生 and teachers across the region.

该基金会, established by 加州海岸信用社 as a separate 501(c)(3) non-profit, provides grants for teachers and scholarships for college-bound high school seniors, including a special program for current or former foster youth, 在圣地亚哥和河滨县.

“Our board of directors felt strongly about helping foster youth,托德·莱恩说, 基金会副主席兼首席执行官 & President of 加州海岸信用社. “委员会为寄养申请者制定了一套特殊的标准,包括快速通道,只要他们满足一些非常基本的要求,就可以很容易地获得第二年的奖学金. 我们认为这为这些学生提供了额外的确定性和支持,这可能是他们在生活的其他部分所缺乏的,因为他们正在努力应对他们的特殊挑战.”

从加州海岸关怀奖学金中受益的前寄养学生之一是亚历克西斯·坦尼, who is attending Grossmont College in La Mesa. She’s applying her scholarship to pursue a career goal inspired by her parents. “Being awarded this scholarship validates all my hard work is paying off. 因为我收到的钱, 我将能够获得我的法医学学位,很少或没有学生债务剩余,坦尼说。.

基金会还直接影响了该地区无数的教室,通过资助教师进行STREAM (Science, 技术, 阅读, 艺术和数学)主题. Grants have helped with everything from hydroponic greenhouse projects to robotics, 化学试剂等等.

特蕾莎修女盆地, 4th grade teacher at Rail Ranch Elementary School in Murrieta, is one of the recipients of a recent classroom grant.  She credited the Foundation with helping her inspire young minds. “课堂上的学习不应该仅仅是学术上的严谨, 但对学生来说也很有趣和吸引人. Because of (the Foundation’s) generous donation, 我的学生将能够在团队合作和解决现实世界的问题时使用机器人乐高,因为他们探索工程和科学的世界.”

加州海岸关怀基金会举办了两个标志性的年度筹款活动:一个受欢迎的高尔夫锦标赛和照亮道路招待会. 由于社区和企业支持者的慷慨捐助,基金会每年都能增加奖学金和助学金的数量. 

Want to help us spread the word about the foundation? 与您的朋友和/或家庭成员分享下面的链接,有兴趣了解更多关于我们的奖学金和助学金计划.









呼叫 (877) 495-1600 从你的账户中捐款.2



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加州海岸关怀基金会, has partnered with CARS3, another reputable non-profit organization, to collect vehicle donations of all kinds (even ones that are no longer running!)  


  1. The 加州海岸关怀基金会 is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 联邦税号47-5249703.
  2. Cash donations are tax-deductible as applicable by law. Consult 你的 tax advisor for additional information.
  3. 慈善成人游乐设施 & 汽车服务(CARS)是一家501(c)(3)非营利组织,负责管理这笔捐款,并从中受益.


对你的账户有疑问,申请贷款,或者你准备讨论再融资? 无论你有什么问题或需要, 我们的会员服务中心随时恭候您的光临 你的 以最大利益为重. 

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